In an academic essay, moving an adverb to the beginning of a sentence serves to vary the rhythm of a paragraph and increase sentence variety. A D B!!! Sentence variety can be introduced to the beginning of sentences by starting a sentence with an adverb, starting a sentence with a prepositional phrase, or by inverting the subject and verb. Drop us a line or let's stay in touch via : 2023 - Orpheus Technology, If you want your message to be remembered by millions of people, you need to create short, easy-to-remember phrases that will stand out and get stuck in the minds of your audience. Were so glad you found the courses and this post helpful, Ken! Cacao is harvested by hand. In my experience, using big words feels good. In addition to varying sentence structure, consider varying the types of sentences you are using in a report or other workplace document. I have reduced crime rates in the neighborhood. Thinking about the key messages and required contextual information should also help with the editing of your writing. Words that are placed at the beginning or end of a sentence generally receive the greatest emphasis. Correct answer (1 pt) It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. As we noted earlier, most writers follow the subject-verb-object sentence structure. You want your readers to be able to solve your puzzle as easily aspossible. In his search for Medusa, Perseus was helped by Hermes and Athena. and sentence. Writers often mistakenly believe that this technique makes the text more clear for the reader, but the result is a choppy, unsophisticated paragraph that does not grab the audiences attention. Dont listen to youre welcome, I swear ADB is correct I got 3/3. [3] Past experience indicates that a Which of the following best describes rich results? Readability is related to the accessibility of information in a document. While formulas differ, one common component of all readability formulas is sentence length. Created with Fabric.js 4.6.0 Practice More Questions. Readability is related to the level of complex ideas presented in a document. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Take another look at Naomis essay on the government bailout. DEBATE CLOSED! A D B!!! Lastly, consider adding some humor to your writing. Your job as a writer is to connect with readers. Company: #8026399 Theyre never anywhere near where you need them to be if you actually want to read them): You can leave clues in dialogue and make the reader figure it out themselves: Remember, its your job to make sure your readers understand what you mean. a. She then sends it to a subordinate who is working from home. You are all liars i got 1/3 thanks to you all the real answers are 1.A 2.B 3.D, You are all liars i got 1/3 thanks to you all the real answers are 1.A 2.D 3.B, lol yeh are all wrong was A D B as the person said at the start like seriously. Chapter 11: Writing from Research: What Will I Learn? A big rookie mistake is trying to create great sentences. You dont need to write amazing, unique sentences to be a great writer. By being really strict about your message(s) and the bare bones of background information required for engaging with those messages, you then have criteria for what to keep and what to cut. Having a great idea for a book isnt enough. Unselected answer (0 pts) to add shapes and images in Microsoft PowerPoint B Read the following sentences describing appropriate Sabbath activities, and help the children choose the picture that shows each activity. Mitch Bancroft is a famous writer. In this sentence, the prepositional phrase is underneath the table. Unlike relative clauses, appositives are always punctuated by a comma or a set commas. Which of the following sentences best describes readability? Its waylonger than it needs to be. I just took the quiz, it's ADB like the majority have said. Experienced writers incorporate sentence variety into their writing by varying sentence style and structure. Other factors that affect readability include sentence length, sentence structure, and the average syllables per word. Now read the revised paragraph with sentence variety: During my time in office, I have helped increase funding for local schools, reduced crime rates in the neighborhood, and encouraged young people to get involved in their community. He is Colonel Sanders or the Colonel.. A D B!!! In the original version, was acts as a helping verbit has no meaning by itself, but it serves a grammatical function by placing the main verb (delayed) in the perfect tense. 1. : Create the Perfect Pitch, Title, and Tagline for Anythingby Sam Horn. Which sentence or sentences in this passage successfully use If you write short sentences using plain English, itll help more people understand your content. Want to create or adapt books like this? Examples of adverbs include quickly, softly, quietly, angrily, and timidly. 1.A distracting yourself from doing any real work, New study shows font readability is very individual, Longest word(s) by syllable and by length. Readability is the receivers responsibility to read Sentence variety reduces repetition in a piece of writing and adds emphasis to important points in the text. Read this excerpt from Naomis essay: This section examines several ways to introduce sentence variety at the beginning of sentences, using Naomis essay as an example. Which of the following sentences is most effective? A-It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. Which of the following was not one of the three convictions. You can also use the "list" style (as mentioned above) to emphasize main ideas in sequential order. Note that an adverb used at the beginning of a sentence is usually followed by a comma. 2. A D B!!! This means that the dog barked as it ran across the driveway. d. the Specie Circular order. Write and revise sentence structure by connecting ideas. 3.The details are clearly stated. At a 60-70, theteenager can easily read and understand your work. It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. But soundbites can be used for much more than just advertising on TV. Are the correct answers for Part of the Added Bytes family. ur welcome. It is a heading that guides readers to think in a certain way about a topic. Identify ways to vary sentence structure. My competitor argues that she is the better choice in the upcoming election. Chapter 7: Refining Your Writing: How Do I Improve My Writing Technique? A concise language? Readability scoresshould only be used as a general guideline to give you a general idea of how easy your work is to read. Copy the following sentences and underline the verb or verbs in each one. At 6:45 a.m., my train leaves the station. If you weretrying to protect Bob or downplay the significance of the event, you might say, The apple? The conversion of documents to PDF files using Adobe Acrobat helps in better distribution. Looking at this first one. Revised sentence: The managing director, who lives in Seattle, is visiting the company next week. a. pet and wildcat banks. ADB is right!!! A word that qualifies a noun or pronoun in the sentence is an adjective. You can use an endnote (I personally hate endnotes. You can trust me people. Select the BEST option that describes the sentence. Only use longer words only when they are actually necessary. Chapter 9: Writing Essays: From Start to Finish. You should strive instead to use a few words to say a lot. The second sentence emphasizes how the subject movesslowlycreating a buildup of tension. D Students rarely come to the exam adequately prepared. Use a comma to separate the modifier from the subject of the sentence. So do yourself and your readers a favor: always use shorter words when possible to make your point. Or readability is the measure of extensive testing. The well-dressed stranger stumbled through the doorway. It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. A D B!!! A. Okay. Write and revise sentence structure at the beginning of sentences. Experienced writers mix it up by using an assortment of sentence patterns, rhythms, and lengths. Have you ever ordered a dish in a restaurant and been not happy with its taste, even though it contained most of your favorite ingredients? receivers expectations. just made 100% all of u guys are right!!! But you should try to follow long sentences with shorter sentences to help your reader engage with your text. Incorrect: ABD - BAD Dont take a chance on an unknown contender; vote for the proven success. A D B!!! nonnative speakers trying to interpret and translate messages. At the end of the day, your readability score is just a number. [2] In ReadablePro identifies both of these for you. The report is going to be sent to a few industry leaders and potential clients. The aim of punctuation is to help your reader understand what is being said. Subheadings are like little rest stops along the road. Trust the majority thats what I do. correct: ADB Our rule of thumb is: If its complex, make it simple. I have encouraged young people to get involved in their community. Read the following sentences: She slowly turned the corner and peered into the murky basement. 4. Each test measures different factors and presents the information in different ways. I just made it up). Improve Readability Step 7: Revise for Style and Readability means that how reading something is difficult or easy. If it doesnt, dont include it. For some tests such as Flesch- Kincaid, calculate word length on the number of syllables. This isnt something people want to do, even if theyre familiar with the subject or language youre using. Microsoft Word grammar checker certainly doesnt have it. In this chapter, you will follow a student named Naomi who has written a draft of an essay but needs to refine her writing. This section discusses how to introduce sentence variety into writing, how to open sentences using a variety of techniques, and how to use different types of sentence structure when connecting ideas. . I was debating from people saying it was ADB or ABD but I went with ADB and it is correct 3/3 100%, hi this is a psa if 50 people already said the right answers you do not have to confirm it again, A You can help your readers understand complex words by giving them clues. Which of the following sentences best describes readability? In this sentence, without whipped cream is the prepositional phrase. B- SmartArt offers different ways of visually presenting information, using shapes arranged in different formations. In simple terms, a readability score predicts whether your reader will understand your writing. Other factors that affect readability include sentence length, sentence structure, and the average syllables per word. Unselected answer (0 pts) SmartArt helps you create charts and graphs based on data you enter. Its ADB. 3. Which of the following is true of the sentence? He lives in Seattle. In the section taken from Disney, there are only two sentences, giving a Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level of 25.7. Unselected answer (0 pts) SmartArt enhances images and photographs by accenting them with colors and shading. As with the ing modifier, be careful to place the word that the phrase modifies immediately after the phrase in order to avoid a dangling modifier. (1 point) Im not sure I have it. These themes include love, hate, jealousy, death, and destiny. The final score is 3/3 (100%). Which of the following sentences is concise? is correct for all you Connexus dont listen to the rest. Key Takeaways. It was a period of westward expansion under the idea of manifest destiny. Notice that when the prepositional phrase is moved to the beginning of the sentence, the emphasis shifts from the subjectthe terrified childto the location in which the child is hiding. The use of short sentences in messages is useful for __________. It was a period of civil war and the end of slavery. They bounce around, especially online. ABD is incorrect, 1/3 >:/ What does the reader need to know before they can engage with your messages? Gay marriage is now legal in six states. If you spend your day chatting with other people in your sector it can be easy to forget that the way you talk with each other might not translate so well to people outside of that bubble. Have a read through to find out what more you can do. Eastlands Park Estate, Subheadings can also be a great tool for keeping your writing organized. Readability is the key to engaging content that boosts your SEO rankings, increases engagement and improves conversion rate. c. long lead-in. A. If you notice that a particular part of your report contains several sentences over twenty words, you should double check that particular section to make certain that it is coherent and does not contain unnecessary prepositional phrases. Because it describes the chocolate sundae, it cannot be moved to the beginning of the sentence. Thanks! Sometimes having a little fun with your writing can make the writing process more fun for you, and it can definitely make reading your book a lot more entertaining for your readers! D The sentence best describes the effect that Ford's pardon of Nixon had on the American people is that The proclamation contributed to a general loss of confidence in President Ford.Thus, option (E) is correct.Who was Nixon? Just because a soundbiteis memorabledoesnt mean you should use it. Or you can use simple sentence structure as much as possible. Which of the following best describes an informative heading? I got an 100% from A,D,B. Okay. I PUT THIS ON ALL THE PEOPLE I LOVES LIFE ADB IS CORRECT IF YOU WANT TO FAIL USE ABD BUT IF YOU WANT TO GET 100 WRITE A, for those looking for the 2020 answers, these people are right its: A.D.B. If you're writing fiction, blog posts, or other content targeted towards an audience without technical or specialized knowledge, you should use accessible language. Which of the following sentences best describes the Progressive Era? What is readable content marketing and why do you need it? A D B!!! Naomi has used two adverbs in her essay that could be moved to the beginning of their respective sentences. In the United Kingdom, researchers recommend that writers write with vocabulary and sentence structure targeted towards 9-10 year olds. Experienced writers often include more than one prepositional phrase in a sentence; however, it is important not to overload your writing. 3.B It is important to make sure that the main idea in your revised sentence is contained in the main clause, not in the modifier. Spoke Mandarin at school III. Adverbs of time include words such as yesterday, today, later, sometimes, often, and now. Uses passive voice to convey negative ideas, Includes a pleasant statement in the same sentence. Think of yourwritten work like a puzzle. The physical design of letters, numbers, and other text characters. You should strive to use simple, clear, concrete language. If you are preparing a report or a proposal, take the time to organize your thoughts in an outline before writing a rough draft. It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. Doc Preview. Writers should not proofread immediately after finishing the document. Disclaimer: TCK Publishing and its website,, provides information on writing, publishing, books, and advice to help you live a better and more successful life. Write the combined sentence on your own sheet of paper. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Short, simple sentences are easy to understand. Michael Phelps won eight gold medals in the 2008 Olympics. the Sphere of Influence gives a nation exclusive trade rights in a particular region of China.. Let understand that "Spheres of Influence" in China refers to when various European nations had control over numbers of Chinese ports and as well as the trade in the region while disregarding the rights of the Chinese people.Countries which included Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Japan carved . To organize information What is the purpose of a concept map? But theres a lot more to readability than just a number. Determine whether the underlined verbs are in the active or passive voice. Tone. Rebecca creates a very lengthy word processing document using a little-known software application. Your job as a writer is to connect with readers. Which of the following should be avoided while formatting formal business letters and memos? Another useful technique is to connect two sentences using a modifier, a relative clause, or an appositive. Ashley introduced her colleague Dan to her husband, Jim. Try Readable for 7 days entirely free, or cancel any time if you don't love it. Here are some examples. You can use soundbites in your writing, in interviews, promotional materials and any time you need to make sure your message will stick in the minds of your audience and be remembered. If you are writing text for the general public you should aim for a grade level score of around 8. That last sentence just feels wrong. Another great book for coming up with great slogans, soundbites and marketing messages for your business is POP! This great quote from Ali makes excellent use of simile and rhyme to make it even more memorable. Prepositional phrases are useful in any type of writing. Readability is all about how easy or difficult it is to read something. Choose the best revision for each of the words in the left-hand (1 point) A detailed job description is enclosed with this letter. All Rights Reserved. If you follow the guidelines in this article such as writing shorter sentences and using smaller words instead of complex or archaic words, youll find your readability scores will improve automatically. Which of the following describes a typeface? Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of civil war and the end of slavery. Determine the writer's intent of the message. As of 2/20/2019 Another great article for writers. 3. So many first-time authors make the mistake of writing in the passive voice. The changes I made were: to remove applicable (x2), to replace cooperate with join up, replace prohibited from using with not allowed to use, and to replace institutions with bodies (x2). A Hope this helps 2021, 1. A D B!!! Reading your work should feel effortless. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Martin should use some bullet point lists in his report. (1 point) The terrified child hid underneath the table. Social Studies. Like any repetitive task, reading text that contains too many sentences with the same length and structure can become monotonous and boring. The more short words you use in your writing, the easier it's going to be for your readers to understand you. Sometimes writers have a tendency to reuse the same sentence pattern throughout their writing. If your work is too hard to read for your audience, they won't engage. I finished one of the Great Courses on writing. For this exercise, well focus on the first two grade level scores - the Flesch-Kincaid, currently at 24.9, and the Gunning-Fog at 30.1. C Estate Office, We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Using lists of three can makeyour messageeasier to remember for your audience (Neither Bigger Leaner norBigger Leaner Stronger Faster have quite the same feeling when you say it out loud). Then, as she writes, she labors over each sentence, pausing to choose just the right word. Although these scores are higher than the recommended 8, given the legal terminology and necessary clauses that privacy policies need to include these scores are still pretty impressive. For example, you should never use the word "deleterious" when you can just write "harmful.". Way about a topic the second sentence emphasizes how the subject movesslowlycreating a buildup tension. General public you should aim for a book isnt enough can easily read and understand work. Reader will understand your work is too hard to read 's ADB like the majority have said big mistake. How the subject or language youre using three convictions Research: What will Learn! 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