Though you saw almost no trace of it in those over-sized hand-me-downs of Dudleys, he once again had that massive hard-on. They had found Harry in a basket on the front porch. I I really dont know if , Harry groaned again. He drew her in for a gentle kiss, then gestured down the hall. And he is very fertile, so much so that one time is all it ever takes. His headache vanished, his knee ceased to ache. Authors Note: I have a general idea where most of this story is going, but Fawkes appearance here was a surprise to me. After a harrowing fight in a graveyard, Harry had lost a friend, a bit of blood, and perhaps the protection his mother had died to provide him with. Besides, Ron, I get enough of your train wreck snoring in the tower. She had to be in there for at least 25 minutes. Grimmauld Place was an older home, and like most older homes, it did not have an abundance of bathrooms. It bothers her, making her frustrated. He was starting to get excited as he shoved Dudleys hand-me-downs past his hips and let the pants bunch around his ankles. I dont think hes up to it.. Terrified, Petunia found her mind torn away from the pain of her body, as she was submitted to another sort of pain Harrys pain. Making new friends and earning new enemies, he has to use his experience from his previous life not only to reach his goals, but also to survive. He could never spot anybody, but it was just the sense of eyes upon him. Eventually she steals one of the Hogwarts portkeys. Unlike what hed done to Tonks, he didnt ravage her, he well for lack of a better word, he worshiped her. Too much chance of being interrupted. By this time, Harry had stripped off his trousers and boxers, losing a tad of his own skin in the process, and was forcing her knees apart as he pressed himself between her legs. Or at least, Tonks wasnt stopping him. Harry headed for his own room, though he had no intention of staying in it. With Hogwarts help, they design some kind of coin, amulet, or the like with which they can call for help, and it can draw the others to them. Eventually all of humanity was wiped out by desperate muggles. Draco stood there stunned for a moment before he pulled out his wand. They complete the ritual, and Harrys body collapses, his soul now travelling among the multi-cosmic all. No more it stops now!, But but but hes a freak! His eyes filled with nothing but lust and rage, Harry glared down at the slim legs and the white cotton knickers in front of them. Harry cringed as he spotted Severus Snape snapping a put-down at his Godfather Sirius, as he left. She tried kicking him, but that only seemed to help him as he pushed her robes and cloak up past the small of her back. Harry Harry, its all right. She shot him a look of disbelief, her eyes moving between his face and his growing cock. AUTHORS NOTE: A few slight differences in the end of the fourth year, here. Hed never been so hard. The curse is hate. "Well, I just want you to be happy. Their eyes never left one another. It may have taken me a while to reach this point, but this family is going to get healthy! She glared at him for a moment. But Hedwig was not in his room Harry figured she probably had gone out to hunt. Harry has his mom, who is beautiful, and has a pair of very large breasts, since the pensieve was made while she was still nursing Harry. He struggled to raise himself off Julie. Hed already seen through Lydias life the first time, all there was to see this time through was the sex hed just had with her. He reached down and gave his cock a tug, and was pleased at the speed at which it began to harden in his grasp. Then that blessed flash of light that spelled the end of it, at least for a time, and he was riding through Ginnys mind, reliving her life. I am so dead!. The knight she was convinced loved her treated her as nothing but a little girl, the slightly annoying sister of his best friend. But I make no promises. Mum, where are you? The creaking sounds he heard indicated that either the house was in the middle of collapsing, or Vernon or Dudley was climbing the stairs! Dobby didnt think hed ever been so embarrassed not even that time hed seen Master Draco trying on Mistress Cissys underthings! But she didnt expect it to hurt at least, not like this. Stories from Rihaan's Fanfiction Community (BETA). Then Dobby had an idea, and he disappeared with a loud pop. He gently ran his tongue up and down her slit several times, before he gently spread her lips with his fingers, and licked as deeply into her as he could. It was not the first time shed showered with Harry, but it was always a lovely sensation. He saw her shunned in Hufflepuff, because of her connection to the family Black, and her own horror as she fell for the lie that her favorite cousin turned to the dark and betrayed his best friends, before getting them killed. You you ought to know some of this. He and his father get some enjoyment out of both the breasts and the milk contained within. While she was nowhere near the most beautiful woman hed ever seen, he couldnt get his mind off her slim legs, her fairly pert breasts, and the lust in her eyes as hed hed well, hed fucked her! i know it may seem that way given that I haven't posted in over a year, but honestly I'm not sure! How? she asked. Why would I want to pretend to rape you?, Please, Harry? "You know With your mum the size of a house already." I cant say anything except I am sorry and I doubt things will be speeding up too much. Harry, she began, sternly, You are not the rapist not really. She saw through the eyes of a two-year-old who was never hugged, never kissed, never loved, but always screamed at. What? The Boy Who Had No Choice and The Girl Who Survived. Finally Tonks couldnt take it any more. She refused to acknowledge her fear, but just sublimated it into a rage as she cursed him, struggled inside the cloak, and started to enlarge her vagina around him, allowing him less and less traction with each stroke, until . From the looks of things, he was a level-headed kid whod had a lot of interesting experiences. His massive girth stretched her in ways shed never imagined, and it seemed like she could feel massive tingles in each and every nerve ending within her center. As the two women dressed, Harry just grabbed his trousers and staggered to his room. She cautiously lowered herself on him, then slowly began rocking herself back and forth, inching up and down on his cock. His eyes just kept running up and down her body, and she could tell he liked what he saw. ~ Harry didnt know what to do. I have a shift this morning. After the meal was finished, Harry offered to wash the dishes (he rather enjoyed helping out his aunt when it was his own choice) and Petunia again let Dudley off to spend time with his friends. Its my turn to see what you can do with that thing when you are in control of yourself.. Soon she let out a howl and started rocking with another massive orgasm. She looked like she was probably 24 or 25, she had a nice figure, and those tight jogging shorts were putting ideas in his mind. The taint does affect him, so he cannot use the source directly, but he can still use the magic in his core. I I think you two had better leave.. He was captivated with the sounds she was making, and loved the look on her face when that first orgasm had hit her. Even if he didnt know it himself, Harry loved her. He had never seen Malfoy cry ever. He was wearing a nicely-tailored suit, one that resembled what he would wear on a daily basis rather than formal dress robes. She moaned with each stroke, her hands caressing his sides as he looked down at her. Dumbledore asked him to pack his belongings for the trip home on the Hogwarts Express, still keeping him away from the rest of the student body, as much as possible. She let out a moan. "Thank you, Ginny. After the flash, theyd both gone sort of catatonic, and not laying stretched out in a bed, Harrys seemingly senseless body had kind of rolled off of her neighbor. Harry was surprised, as well. Ever. You, Fre his wife glared at him. On the Express, Harry will share a car with those noted in the original story, but early on in the trip, they will chase all the guys out. He saw the pain that pureblood bastards like Malfoy caused her, and the greater pain shed felt from the seeming betrayal of the Lions McGonagall had said would be her family at Hogwarts. Both of the teens were nude. Petunia wanted to complain about doing it in the kitchen, but Harry was getting too good at pleasing her, and her attempt at a complaint came out as a very sexy moan. Ill make sure Im back in tomorrow. A few more seconds and shed hung up. Voldemort had free reign, and all of the women Harry loved at some point in the Death Eater take-over were raped before usually being killed. Lydia was beside herself. And as he gently pushed her back down onto the bed and positioned himself on top of her, he was able to really concentrate on what he was seeing. Though he would miss his friends, and was not looking forward to returning to the Dursleys, he couldnt wait to get to his room and try to sleep off this miserable headache. I dont know if it will mean much, coming from me, but Im proud of you! He squeezed her shoulder for just a moment. Though she hadnt heard the lock, due to her own silencing charm, the door wouldnt budge. From the calls of mum Harry would guess it was Dudley. Merlin, I hate parties!". I dont own rights to the Harry Potter characters. I dont own Harry Potter. Well, arent you in for a surprise.. But Dudley isnt just hitting Harry, hidden in this house. When she went to bed, it was with a slammed door. At some point one of the girls will be trying to arrange for the induction of Greengrass and Davis, and trying to protect them, or trying to spy on them, Bulstrode will be the one who gets the violent introduction. While he wont reach the level of third stage lensmen, you might say he gets to stage 2 3/4. Its supposed to cause uncontrollable lust. With O.W.Ls, schoolwork, trying out for the quidditch team, and you know who rising to power as the ministry sticks its fingers in its ears. Im sorry if this is too much!, A/N:Thank you so much for requesting (not to mention the first request Ive ever gotten)! She knew she had to be imagining it, but it made for very good daydream material. This is love. Its not like you really hurt me very much the other morning, and this time you wouldnt hurt me at all.. Real? Within a few weeks of the students returning after Christmas break, Narcissa is in bad shape. It took longer for energy levels, feelings and erection to reach full strength and override his will after lots of sex, and extended the time he could remain in public before he had to rush back to Number Four. She orders Dobby to take her home, but Harry stops him. He removed his clothes, and took a seat on the edge of the massive tub, laying the aged parchment on the floor next to him. Pansy slid into the seat beside him "Oi. Her tight little pussy seemed to be relaxing a little bit. He continued alternating between walking and jogging for an additional 45 minutes, occasionally catching sight of her, as she constantly out-distanced him. Harry asked a minimum of questions, just enough to make his Godfather feel needed, but he was pretty happy when Remus backed Molly in insisting enough had been said, and the whole gang was sent off to bed. And Tonks wasnt helping her! Julies fingers were playing on the edge of her own pussy, desperate by this point for some satisfaction. During her original mission on the planet with the fairly amazonian women, he will meet and love Clarissa, reawaking all of Minervas memories. She was just about to scream in pain and terror when her nephew reached out with a slim hand and placed it right across her throat. She was also amazed at how apologetic he sounded as he said he had to go to the bathroom. "https://secure." Shed missed him, even in the couple of days Dumbledore kept them all apart, and shed really latched on to him well. Draco lifted her effortlessly, she was lighter than he had expected. I did play with the idea in my mind that the Doctor would exist in one of the worlds (possibly Harrys, but probably not, as there is no mention of regular alien invasions) and that Harry would know of him, just because it would be fun to put Harry with some of the Doctors companions. She saw the revulsion and anguish hed felt with each rape. Can it even be done? Which is why as later chapters continued on, less and less of the rapes would be shown in as great of depth, because nothing positive would be gained from continuing to show them in all their depths. Though there were house elf healers, they didnt know enough about humans, house elf healing was a last-ditch effort kind of thing. She saw as a fellow student was murdered, and his own blood was taken for a bizarre ritual to bring back to life the evil wizard who had killed his mother and father, and stranded him with the Dursleys. Oh, shite! he thought in the back of his mind, Its a witch!. Harry grabbed the edge of the sun dress, and lifted the fabric until hed pushed it up onto her now-horizontal back. Harry took her face in his hands and turned her back to him. He buried his face in her breasts as he started to laugh. He could just picture her, legs spread wide, large breasts gently swaying with her frantic fingering, and he felt the bloodflow increasing. That one aspect of the story is not pleasant. Between that damned lust potion and whatever power you have over all of us, I think weve probably both got too much need for the kind of slow pace I would have liked for my first time. But Fawkes, Im evil! Does anybody know you cast this curse? Before Petunia could say a word, Mrs. Polkiss looked up, caught Harrys eye, and then lifted his chin and kissed him deeply. Theyll go at it for seven hours. It will have many points of view, both from Rowling's characters and some original ones from mine. The auror waved her wand, and Hermione found herself free of sweat and semen, and was able to begin dressing. He saw the love shed had for her sister. ronxdraco harrypotter ronweasley dron dracoxron dracomalfoy remuslupin 25 Stories Sort by: Hot # 1 The real you (snarry) by khanyisile 205K 5.4K 32 Harry just wants to finish school mainly because he can't stand being in the same room as Severus,but that's not because he hates or dislikes Severus. Anybody else is welcome to copy the current chapters, post it somewhere else that will tolerate the more adult stories, and continue it. Petunias stamina was not all that great, either, and after about ten minutes and two orgasms, she rolled off of him, breathing as heavily as he had been a few minutes before. Ginny was hurt and confused. She can make herself felt in other places in the castle, but only in the ROR can she have a fully physical form. Chapter Eight will be greatly expanded when I know what I want to do with it. She felt helpless, hurt and betrayed. Learns: Martial arts, investigating skills, acrobatics, technology. The fact that, as her husband continued to grow and put on weight, hed gone impotent. Holy fuck, she cursed, as she found herself being violated with the largest cock shed ever received. And his head was hurting so badly he could barely think a rational sentence, much less say one. His aunt had a beauty all her own. I cant leave you, Harry, Hermione screamed, horrified, as she watched the auror crumple to the ground. Next up, Harrys birthday, and another magical added to his dance card. Eventually hell manage to seduce Diana Prince (Wonder Woman). I never even thought of it. ' His aunt did her best to stifle a snort as she did up the snaps on her robe. As Harry rolled onto his back and caught his breath, Julie stared down into Petunias dripping sex. He returned home for supper. (Thankfully it would turn out to be the blossoming of womanhood that marked the age where the curse started to react. Everyone's staring" Pansy nervously looked around. Harry had a good rhythm going, and he seemed to naturally know enough to alter that rhythm a little, every once in a while. They spent a few minutes talking in the corridor outside most of the bedrooms, and let Ginny know what had been discussed (nobody had been surprised that she waited up for them), before the matter of sleeping arrangements came up. The potion burnt out the second she hugged me! Hermione just stared at her friend. Magic isnt real. Though well hopefully find a way to remove the curse so that I dont have to keep raping women, Ill probably forever have a sexual relation with all the women I establish a relationship with, before that time.. She saw her husband through Harrys eyes. Are you always so eager?, For the last four days, its been nearly constant, he told her. As his experience grew, he lasted a little longer each time, but he really wanted to feel the explosion of his own orgasm again, so he was slamming wildly into the blond. (Y/N), Draco spoke your name for the first time in what felt like forever, but you no longer wished to hear it. Students returning after Christmas break, Narcissa is in bad shape kind of.! Who Survived fingers were playing on the edge of her own silencing charm the! Would turn out to be happy was never hugged, never loved, but it was always lovely. Guess it was not in his hands and turned her back to him an idea, he... So much so that one time is all it ever takes stood there stunned for a gentle kiss then... Free of sweat and semen, and this time you wouldnt hurt me very much the other morning and. Four days, its a witch! her sister felt in other places in the end of students. Idea, and this time you wouldnt hurt me very much the other morning, lifted... 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