Nevertheless, Sitting Bull and his allies were ultimately forced to give up the struggle, mirroring Rains Fall's own predicament in Red Dead Redemption 2. I did the Eagle Flies mission first, then went to talk to Rains Fall. Eagle Flies immediately struck me as a hothead who doesn't think his plans all the way through, and his temper would get him killed, and it did. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. Copyright 2000 - 2023 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. Dutch has convinced Eagle Flies to take action against the military which will, basically, act as a distraction so your crew can escape. Later on, Arthur visits the reservation and meets a despondent Rains Fall, in despair about the failed truce meeting and his son's capture. Approach him to notice an army camp. After Arthur steals the documents, he makes his escape from the refinery but quickly runs into trouble. Rains Fall also had a wife and two sons; his elder son had his head smashed by a drunken soldier and his wife had her throat slit, also by a soldier. Head in and let Danbury know how it is going to be. As they point their guns at you, an explosion to the southeast will distract them, giving you an opening. Sometime prior to the games events, Rains Fall was named Chiefman of the Wapiti Indians. Hang tight in the wagon. In a few days, meet Eagle Flies near Cornwall Kerosene & Tar to start the second part. He then mournfully departs for his new home having lost everything dear to him despite his best efforts. After the death of Eagle Flies, the plight of the Wapiti people doesn't improve. Eagle Flies appears as a Supporting Character in Red Dead Redemption 2. Native American (Wapiti) His people are forced off their reservation in the aftermath of the attack on the oil refinery. Biggest 2021 Awards Upset (Best Debater: broke sivis' 9 year streak). Arthur informs him that he and Charles plan on rescuing Eagle Flies from Fort Wallace, initially prompting a negative response from Rains Fall, who says that the tribe's conflict with the Army is already bad enough. Eagle Flies gives you a few options to infiltrate the building, but the best way is to use a wagon. Sit next to the detonator, and wait. Don't shoot - there's no need to. On this page of the Red Dead Redemption 2 guide you can find a walkthrough for A Rage Unleashed story quest. Look up the hill to the right and use Dead Eye to take out four immediately. Nationality A Rage Unleashedis one of the main missions available inRed Dead Redemption 2. Here's all you need to know about him. A good, old-fashioned RTS title will always bring him back into the fold. Eagle Flies is the son of Chief Rains Fall. Don't miss the men up on the cliff. Go straight ahead into this room, and take cover behind the crate near the mechanic. Additional info S army, although after he got . Eagle Flies is the second son of Rains Fall. As soon as you can head west around the machinery do so, moving along the south side of the room, all the way to the stairs. He is a man saddled with an almost impossible mission: preserving the safety of his tribe in a rapidly unforgiving and dangerous world. Follow them, but not too closely. Eagle Flies is the son of Chief Rains Fall. Rains Fall reveals that he and his tribe were forced to flee to Canada and that he had temporarily returned to America to mourn the death of Eagle Flies, which he had still not fully recovered from. A prime example of the latter is Rains Fall, the chief of the Wapiti Indian tribe. Press Square/Y when the game prompts you to to detonate the dynamite. By, Rains Fall appears to be somewhat based off, During the occasional instances in which Rains Fall departs from English to speak in a Native American language, the in-game caption reveals that the actual language he is using is. Rains Fall rides up and begs them not to attack the US Army, but Eagle Flies defiantly brushes off his father's concern and rides away with his men. For more Walkthroughs with all gold medals, check out the completeRed Dead Redemption 2 Story Walkthrough. Eagle Flies will call to you to get out of site when you're done. Arthur gladly volunteers to do so without payment and soon brings a chanupa back to the chief. Threaten him twice and hell show you where the file is. You start running too. Arthur and Charles decide to go too, wary of Dutch's motives. Stay informed about the latest on GTA V, GTA 6, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Rockstar Games, as well as new MyBase features! ), Scan this QR code to download the app now. This guide highlights mission strategies and Gold Medal requirements. Press square/y again to attach it. Dutch and Arthur set up the dynamite, and it goes off, trapping the soldiers. NEXT: 5 Things That Are Historically Accurate In Red Dead Redemption 2 (& 5 Things That Aren't). As they continue on, Rains Fall discovers that the Army have destroyed an ancient spiritual shrine that the tribe holds dear. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. Due to his pacifism, Rains Fall, while understanding the blight his tribe faces from decades of abuse by the Army, came to believe that he is a disappointment to Eagle Flies. this is the part of the game where I really started to hate Dutch, the way he used Eagle Flies & the others was disgusting and then leaving Arthur to die.. In the end, Eagle Flies had not regretted saving Arthur, and he was but another person used by Dutch who ended up losing his life in the process. After the two fight their way out, Eagle Flies pays Arthur and tells him that he hopes the papers help them with lobbying the army. Now, interrogate Mr. Danbury in his office. In that quest, Arthur will assist Rains Fall with retrieving a sacred artifact important to the Wapiti. A pipe bursts while Arthur is escaping, leaving him incapacitated, which results in Eagle Flies charging in and slaying the three soldiers about to kill him. Charles and Eagle Flies are missing, but Dutch says to have faith. Can some of their missions be skipped? Although they resisted at first, the Wapiti are seemingly resigned to their fate. If you choose to help, your honor will go up. They are quickly interrupted by Dutch, who calls Arthur over to him. Continue on to Urban Pleasures, Legendary Animals and Fish Locations and Map, Talismans and Trinkets Guide: Legendary Animal Perks from the Fence, Horses Guide - Locations, Stats, Bonding, Taming, and Breeds, How to Make Money: Tips, Tricks, Exploits, and Gold Bar Locations, Camp Guide - How to Upgrade, Fast Travel, and All Upgrades, Challenges Guide: Maps, Locations, and Tips, Pre-Order Bonuses and Collector's Editions, Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever,, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know, Infiltrate the factory by hiding in the wagon, Reach Danburys office without being detected, Kill all the horseback pursuers during the escape. You don't have to get off your horse. Use your mini map to keep an eye on which way everyone's looking. Captain Monroe will say he requests help from someone outside of the tribe, to not stir up more trouble. Stay crouched. Arthur Morgan approaches them soon after; Rains Fall offers to pay him well if he steals incriminating documents from the Cornwall company in the hope of preventing them from being moved from the reservation. It was a confrontation that culminated famously in the Battle of the Little Bighorn, in which the 7th U.S. Cavalry foolishly picked a fight with a determined foe. . By becoming a VIP Member, you support our work and allow us to create even more amazing features and content for you. They have a conversation about death, glory, and respect; and Dutch and Eagle Flies. Charles asks if we can help them and youre given the option to say yes or no then later youregiven an option to help that ranger or not too. That said, I feel like the optional missions you can do only really work within the story if you're playing high honour. Hes ready there with your horses. One comes from under the bridge where your horses were, one comes from the trees to right and the other magically spawns right in front of the bridge guy. IamCourtney, Keep backing up with Dutch. At first I didn't care about em, but as the story went along I quickly grew to like Rains Fall. Youll need to kill them quickly and from a decent range, otherwise Eagle will kill them himself with his sick archery skills. However, Rains Fall forgives Arthur and expresses his condolences after discovering his illness and says he hopes Arthur can find peace. Mark Hospodar has been an avid gamer ever since he fired up the original Medal of Honor on his PS1. Travel to Citadel Rock, and Eagle Flies will be gathering intelligence on the Heartland Oil Fields below you. The first time I met Eagle Flies I knew. There will also be a mechanic crouched down, working on one of the machines in the center of the room. Rains Fall is seen alongside Eagle Flies and Paytah, observing the Van der Linde gang's evacuation from the mountains, on their journey towards Horseshoe Overlook. As you're swimming, go to Dutch on the left to take his hand and escape. In the end both of them die under circumstances: Enepay shoots Nastas in the head, while Colonel Favours shoots Eagle Flies through the abdomen, and he eventually succumbs to his wounds after he arrives at the Wapiti Reservation. The Lakota tribe, for example, is one such analog. Some of Rains Fall's interactions with Arthur can actually be missed. Male The wagon will stop for a passing train, allowing you to easily climb on board. Activate the Dead Eye to kill them fast. It's the larger red circle on your map. Quest Giver: Evelyn Miller Soon afterwards, Rains Fall rides into Beaver Hollow pleading his men to not go to war, though they do not listen to him and attack the US Army at the oil fields unabated. 2001-2023. Now it's time to meet up with John Marston at the dynamite carriage under Bacchus Bridge in The Bridge to Nowhere. Eventually Dutch will tell you to make a break for it - there's too many. They then sail downstream, while Arthur covers them. Once there, the four men silently canoe over to the ferry and jump into it. They quickly knock out the guards, drop the anchor, and take the horses back to the mainland. More pawns in Dutch's crazy f*cking game he was playing with everyone, i agree with eagle flies more, id be pissed with the government too. There should only be three, so a solid Dead Eye run should take care of them. Rains Fall is undoubtedly one of the most interesting characters in the game, so finding out everything there is to know about him is quite a rewarding experience. 1907 Rains Fall exclaims the Chanupa, a ceremonial pipe, is gone. Finishing this mission also unlocks the subsequent "Honor, Amongst Thieves" quest, which involves recovering a vaccine for Rains Falls' sick people. Enter the door under the stairs to the right. For Nastas, both he and John cooperate to stop the young tribe from joining Dutch's Gang as it will lead to further destruction for his tribe. The captain goes on his way, but you continue to follow Rains Fall so he can find some herbs to give you for your cough. 2001-2023. Rains Fall is a major character in the action-adventure game, Red Dead Redemption 2, made by Rockstar Games, he is the father of Eagle Flies, and the chief of the Wapiti Indians. Rains Fall grew weary of the constant abuse of his people and only wanted to keep them safe and avoid violence. Region: Lemoyne. However, by the time Arthur meets him, Rains Fall is convinced of the merits of a more pacifist approach. Wait for him to turn away, then make it to the otherside of the floor to find the entrance to Mr. Danburys office. Dutch and Eagle Flies make a plan to trap soldiers in a valley, in order to tar and feather them. I didn't need anyone to spoil what would happen in that line. However, this, coupled with his anger towards the Army, left Eagle Flies vulnerable to being manipulated by Dutch, who had wanted to use the Wapiti as a distraction in order to divert attention away from the gang. On the second floor, youll be on a wooden catwalk. The chief then asks Arthur to go out on a ride with him, which he accepts. Game By using, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. In response to attempts from the US Army to drive the Wapiti Indians off their reservation due to the alleged oil deposits beneath it, Rains Fall attends Mayor Henri Lemieux's party with Eagle Flies and is seen giving a document to the mayor. When you're done, follow him on horseback again. Swim towards the land. As soon as you're done talking to Eagle Flies, run down the hill and sneak into the wagon. woggleman The U.S. government reneges on its promises to Rains Fall yet again. Rains Fall is a pacifist, unlike his son Eagle Flies. For Eagle Flies, he despises the US Army for their cruel treatment of Wapiti Tribe and respected Arthur for serving his tribe. Eagle Flies Missions in Red Dead Redemption 2. VIP Members don't see Ads. Eagle Flies prefers violence and vengeance against the US Army for attempting to steal their horses and their medicine for smallpox, and especially imprisoning him in Fort Wallace after Colonel Favours violated the treaty they signed upon themselves. Eagle Flies has brought you your horse. He's a first nation american! Arthur and Charles go on a rescue mission for Eagle Flies and succeed in breaking into the Fort. Red Dead Redemption 2 is full of morally flawed and often tragic characters. Eight years later, John Marston can meet Rains Fall at the train station in Annesburg, who recognises Marston as an associate of Arthur. (Trying to avoid spoilers here, but I cant find anything online about the two missions relative to each other. You can see where the enemies are on your map. Arthur meets Charles at the Wapiti Indian Reservation, where Charles asks him to speak to Rains Fall. What are your thoughts on this part of the game? After John gives his condolences on the loss of his son, Rains Fall then boards a train to return to Canada. Here is the full list of missions available in RDR2 Chapter 6. . As soon as you finish your conversation with Eagle Flies and you have control again, there will be a wagon directly in front of you that you can use to sneak in to the compound immediately. Your email address will not be published. Legendary Animals and Fish Locations and Map, Talismans and Trinkets Guide: Legendary Animal Perks from the Fence, Horses Guide - Locations, Stats, Bonding, Taming, and Breeds, How to Make Money: Tips, Tricks, Exploits, and Gold Bar Locations, Camp Guide - How to Upgrade, Fast Travel, and All Upgrades, Challenges Guide: Maps, Locations, and Tips, Pre-Order Bonuses and Collector's Editions, Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know, Kill the soldier on the cannon within 45 seconds, Complete the mission without taking any health. On this page of the Red Dead Redemption 2 guide you can find a walkthrough for A Rage Unleashed story quest. Hang back a bit and keep looking behind you and youll see them spawn in. We will only notify you about major updates. Watch your mini-map to ensure the driver is turned away from you, then exit the back of the wagon quickly, crouch, and head up the short staircase directly in front of you. Eventually, you'll both jump into the water. As the son of Rains Fall, Eagle Flies represents a core of young Native. Help Eagle Flies on your horse, and leave to take him to his father. He will introduce Rains Fall and Eagle Flies, a great chief and his son, who need help proving that their tribes are going to be moved again due to the discovery of huge oil reserves under their lands. Once you've taken them all out, loot the bodies with your gang. Chief Rains Last update: Wednesday, September 28, 2022. The player can decline the offer, which will lock a few subsequent missions involving the plight of the Wapiti tribe. Luckily, theres only one guard up here. From here, its a straight shot to the office. Meet up with with Dutch and Eagle Flies on a cliff in Cumberland Forest near Firwood Rise to start the RDR2 mission Favored Sons . All Rights Reserved. If I do one will it wipe out the other mission? Once the immediate area is clear of guards, head to the southeast to meet with Eagle Flies, watching out for rider reinforcements along the way. Quickly interrupted by Dutch, who calls Arthur over to the games events, Rains Fall discovers the! Involving the plight of the Wapiti tribe to create even more amazing features and content for you its promises Rains! Keep them safe and avoid violence amazing features and content for you a rescue mission for Eagle represents... Dead Eye run should take care of them the son of chief Rains Fall discovers that the have. Once there, the chief then asks Arthur to go out on a mission! For serving his tribe in a few options to infiltrate the building, but I cant anything... Flies mission first, the four men silently canoe over to the southeast distract... Monroe will say he requests help from someone outside of the game this QR code download... Last update: Wednesday, September 28, 2022 of young native would happen that. 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